Sids and stars for fsnavigator
Sids and stars for fsnavigator

sids and stars for fsnavigator

sids and stars for fsnavigator sids and stars for fsnavigator

Occasionally a sympathetic LON controller spots the reason for the dogleg and gives me DCT SAM from SALCO. ARE UN864 SALCO UN864 BHD DAWLY UL620 SAM.which is perfectly VORable, but a bit out of the way. My get-around so-far, for most Mediterranean / Iberian routes, has been to route. DIKRO DCT MID.would it ruffle the feathers of London Control?

Sids and stars for fsnavigator series#

To fly this route with VOR-DME requires either a bit of guesswork ( not good) or a marked chart with DME arcs and a series of position interpolations ( get real!).or a technical cheat by using FSNavigator as a moving chart and so on. The problem occurs going ANG -DIKRO-(turn right)-EPATI-KOTEM-PILIP-SUSIX-AVANT(turn right) MID. I'm in the process of planning a return from LEPA (Palma Mallorca) to EGNX (East Midlands) in FSNavigator with AIRAC1205- the route goes DCT GALAT UN861 TOU UY120 TUPAR UN861 DIKRO UN863 AVANT UL980 MID. The question will be: "to what extent can I approximate to an airway's routing with my plan, before ATC start to grind their teeth and chunter? And I'll give you an example of what I mean from my current planning experiences. The technique, although perfectly authentic in the pre-GPS/FMC era, does have limitations though- specifically- you are limited to direct radials from/to a VOR and effectively one intervening waypoint along one of the radials to turn and head towards another and here you can obviously come into conflict with the zig-zag routing of some airways and especially the preferred routes. I've done quite a few of these and generally don't have issues with routes- I use the material from the relevant AIPs, the standard route doc into and out of the UK and takes a while but it's rewarding. I'm in the process of planning another flight for the trusty Dave Maltby BAC1-11, which navigates with VOR-DME and does not have a FMC or inertial reference platform (to my knowledge).a proper pilot's aircraft.

Sids and stars for fsnavigator