Goodreader app for iphone
Goodreader app for iphone

  1. #Goodreader app for iphone how to
  2. #Goodreader app for iphone pdf
  3. #Goodreader app for iphone upgrade

#Goodreader app for iphone pdf

GoodReader will also reformat a PDF file as plain text for easier reading. You can download and play videos and audio files. First released in 2009, GoodReader® is truly a veteran of the App Store. Get GoodReader PDF Editor & Viewer for iOS - PDF Annotator, File Manager latest version.

goodreader app for iphone

You can download Web pages through Safari for offline reading. iPhones cannot do everything a laptop computer can do, but with a few extra apps it’s possible to do more with ZIP (compressed) files than some people realize. Download GoodReader PDF Editor & Viewer App for iPad & iPhone free online at AppPure. You can connect to your Google Apps and Google Apps for Ed documents for easy access and transfer of documents, too. You can move files up and down with it to and from all these places. It can interface with iMap and POP email servers and FTP servers.

#Goodreader app for iphone upgrade

I really like the app and would like to upgrade for some of the new features, but dont want to lose the ability to transfer files via USB. It can hook to MobileMe, Dropbox,, and other WebDAV servers. Ive currently got GoodReader 2.3 (un-upgraded so I can still use USB transfer) which I use for storing large documentation files while on the road, as well as some HD video files for experimentation. It can also read Word, Excel, and PowerPoint files. Books, movies, maps, pictures GoodReader puts it all in a single app, right in your pocket and is a PDF Reader in the Office & Productivity category. (Previously, files could be moved back and forth via a USB connection between the device running GoodReader and the computer, but that was removed at Apple’s request a few versions back.)ĬREATIVE USE OF TECHNOLOGY: GoodReader is a great PDF file reader. GoodReader is described as With GoodReader on your iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad, you can read virtually anything, anywhere. We encourage you to create safe copies of your iCloud files somewhere outside the iCloud folder of GoodReader to make sure your valuable files are not lost.EASE OF USE: There are several ways to get files from the computer to the GoodReader app and vice versa, including a wireless-transfer option, connection to online file-storage sites, and email attachments. Dropbox file hosting service (with their 2GB free plan in combination with our Auto Sync feature seems like a good alternative. Therefore we strongly suggest to migrate to other ways of cross-device syncing. It is very possible that we'll be forced to permanently remove the iCloud feature from the app in the future.

goodreader app for iphone

We have numerous reports from customers claiming that they have actually lost files due to malfunctioning iCloud engine. Is there any good advice on uploading files to the device Ive seen many apps create a http server on 80 or 8080 to upload files. So long as it is present in your backup, we will be able to assist you in recovering this data with iPhone Backup Extractor. If you find yourself with lost data from the Goodreader app after upgrading to iOS 11, please contact our support team using the contact information below.

#Goodreader app for iphone how to

In addition, we have discovered that at this point iCloud can't be considered as a 100% reliable way to store and share files. How to recover Goodreader data from an iPhone. Unfortunately, we were temporarily required to remove the iCloud feature from GoodReader due to a legal request. Here is the corresponence that I received back from them: I received a respose from GoodReader support - they have removed iCloud feature due to legal request & may have it permanently removed.

Goodreader app for iphone